Requirements & Eligibility 1 All entries must be submitted in digital format: MP4, MOV, MPEG4 2 Students, Parents, Teachers and Staff are eligible to participate. 3 Video creators must ensure that anyone appearing in the video has provided their consent which may include a photo release within a parent/teacher agreement. 4 All entries must be submitted in English and should be filmed as “landscape” when using a cell phone. 5 Students may work together in groups or submit entries as individuals. 6 The video should between 15 and 60 seconds. 7 The video should be a “commercial” for Parent Led Academic Network Team, Inc. (PLANT, Inc.). Create a video/social media post telling others what you love about PLANT, Inc. Please include PLANT’s website in your video and logo. 8 Plagiarism of any kind will result in disqualification. 9 There is no entry fee. 10The deadline for submissions is 11:59 pm MST on Wednesday, March 19, 2025. Submissions are accepted on a rolling basis from the opening of the contest on Saturday, February 1, 2025. 11No copyrighted materials (music, images, video clips, etc.) may be used for this contest unless you own the copyright or have a license to use the material for this contest. BE SURE YOU DON'T ADD COPYRIGHTED MUSIC TO DISQUALIFY YOUR ENTRY! Written permission must be obtained and provided upon request for all copyrighted materials. All other images and resources should be cited as requested by the author. 12Content must comply with all local and national laws and otherwise be appropriate as determined by the PLANT Board of Directors. For example, content should not include behavior unbecoming a PLANT participant, invade one's privacy, or denigrate a person or group of people or be otherwise inappropriate as determined by PLANT, Inc. Board in its sole and conclusive determination. 13The judges’ decision is final. 14 The only compensation for submitting a video is the opportunity to be awarded a prize if the entry wins. PLANT will pay filmmakers no additional compensation nor be liable to the filmmaker under any circumstances. 15 Participants may submit as many videos entries as they wish. However, only one first place prize will be awarded. 16 All submissions become the property of PLANT, Inc. 17 Participants are encouraged to share their submissions on their own social media
Submissions Participants must complete the below Contest Entry Form and upload their video in MP4, MOV, or MPEG4 format. Participants must also affirm that their work is original and does not contain copyrighted material. Participants must have consent of those who appear in the video and upload a consent form. Winners will be notified by email. Gift cards must be picked up at Del Norte Baptist Church on Tuesday or Wednesday.
Awards First Place: $50 Amazon Gift Card $10 Amazon Gift Card for any non-winning entry that PLANT uses for promotion purposes
Make a slide show of pictures of classes add audio from ukulele or violin classes
Do "man on the street" interview of parents, teachers and students about why they love PLANT, Inc.
Make an "infomercial" - What is PLANT, Why should you consider it, etc.
Make it hilarious and see how many views on social media you can get
Make is a speed student talent show include art, music, drama, and special talents
Make it a mystery and you are the detective trying to figure out what this thing is
Compare and contrast PLANT and public school
Highlight who the teachers are and their unique backgrounds - pilot, engineer, PhD, homeschool mom, grandma...
Don't use people's real names
Don't show where we are located
Do refer people to the website
The following are PLANT logos which maybe included in your video. Anyone using the below PLANT branding MUST get permission before posting their video on any social media. Request permission by submitting your video to the contest or emailing [email protected]