Kerry Baldwin
[email protected] • 505.520.7993 •
[email protected] • 505.520.7993 •
Kerry Baldwin is an independent researcher and writer with a B.A. in Philosophy from Arizona State University. In addition to her content and courses on her website, Mere Liberty, LLC. She’s also a regular contributor for the Libertarian Christian Institute and a peer-reviewer for the Christian Libertarian Journal and the Journal of Libertarian Studies.*
Her writing focuses on libertarian philosophy and reformed theology and aimed at the educated layperson; challenging readers to rethink prevailing paradigms in politics, theology, and culture. She is a confessionally Reformed Christian orthodox Presbyterian in the tradition of J. Gresham Machen (1881 – 1937), an outspoken libertarian and defender of Christian orthodoxy. |
Kerry was homeschooled in New Mexico before it was legalized. Her parents were one of the several parent-activists who lobbied the legislature to legalize it. She eventually enrolled into a private Christian school, and subsequently graduated from Del Norte High School. She is a veteran of the US Air Force having worked a Medical Laboratory Technician.
She has homeschooled her three children, the oldest two will be graduating soon. She enjoys outdoor activities in the Jemez mountains near her home, and stereotypically introverted hobbies such as puzzles and brain teasers, reading, and learning more about herbal and nutritional medicine. She enjoys studying Reformational Philosophy by way of Roy Clouser, and appreciate the theology of Meredith Kline, Lee Irons, and Dutch theologians such as Herman Bavinck and Abraham Kuyper.
*Kerry is a socially-conservative libertarian who holds and advocates for the necessity of the rights of unborn life and of the traditional family.
She has homeschooled her three children, the oldest two will be graduating soon. She enjoys outdoor activities in the Jemez mountains near her home, and stereotypically introverted hobbies such as puzzles and brain teasers, reading, and learning more about herbal and nutritional medicine. She enjoys studying Reformational Philosophy by way of Roy Clouser, and appreciate the theology of Meredith Kline, Lee Irons, and Dutch theologians such as Herman Bavinck and Abraham Kuyper.
*Kerry is a socially-conservative libertarian who holds and advocates for the necessity of the rights of unborn life and of the traditional family.
About My Classes
Socratic practice is a kind of inquiry-based pedagogy. It is not itself a philosophy or system of thought and is a methodology advocated for by conservative theologian, the late Dr. R. C. Sproul. When done well, Socratic practice is the basis from which one can teach themselves anything they set their minds to.
These classes teach how to think not what to think. This invaluable skill will pay dividends both now and in the future. It's also the foundation for soft-skills which are in high demand in the workplace because it’s a skill that’s been in decline in recent decades. In addition to critical thinking, others skills developed through regular Socratic practice include: communication, problem solving, conflict resolution, emotional intelligence, and more. |
[PARENTS CLASS] Teach Your Kids How to Think Well.
This is Kerry's primary course offering, also called The Liberty Seminar. Kerry developed this course in 2020 as a resource for both students and parents during the lockdowns.
This is Kerry's primary course offering, also called The Liberty Seminar. Kerry developed this course in 2020 as a resource for both students and parents during the lockdowns.
This 10-week course is aimed at immersing learners in Socratic practice to help them understand how to use this method with their own kids, in their own unique homeschooling environments. Parents with children of all ages are invited to join this class.
The content for the course was developed by Kerry and drawn from the knowledge and expertise of Mortimer Adler, Richard Paul and Linda Elder, Michael Strong, T. Edward Damer, Rolf Reber, and others. She also draws on her own experience as an independent researcher, participating as a peer-reviewer in two independent scholarly journals, and an invitation to submit her research to both. |
While it is appropriate to use the Socratic method in debate (logic, or apologetics), this class does not use it in this way. One cannot debate what they do not yet know. Socrates used this method first to inspire wonder and curiosity about the world, so that new information could be discovered, understood, and conceptualized before analyzing it. This class is a good precursor for debate and apologetics type classes.
EARLY BIRD: $297/student
REGULARL $349/student
While it is appropriate to use the Socratic method in debate (logic, or apologetics), this class does not use it in this way. One cannot debate what they do not yet know. Socrates used this method first to inspire wonder and curiosity about the world, so that new information could be discovered, understood, and conceptualized before analyzing it. This class is a good precursor for debate and apologetics type classes.
- 29 Self-directed online lessons
- 10 Live Socratic Sessions meeting once weekly
- 1 Downloadable Workbook
- BONUS: Best Practices in Reflective Thinking (pdf)
EARLY BIRD: $297/student
REGULARL $349/student
The Liberty Seminar will be offered to kids aged 14 and older beginning in the Spring 2025, with age appropriate topics of discussion for the Live Seminar sessions.
The Liberty Seminar is a pre-requisite to follow up classes including the following:
Refund Policy
Parents want to ensure a good fit for their child in both course structure and content. Kerry offers and encourages a one-on-one Zoom call to any parent who would like further information about the class. Their students are encouraged to join this call. To schedule one, please call 505-520-7993. As a general rule, full refunds will not be issued. In the case of extreme circumstances a pro-rated refund may be considered.
Hear Kerry Talk About Critical Thinking
Nurturing Thoughtful Minds: The Socratic Method and Critical Thinking
Shane Rosenthal and the
Humility of Healthy Skepticism |
Tough Discussions & Critically Think w/ David Clements, Professors Record