New Class Listing
Please e-mail the following information to: [email protected]
Our Administrative Assistant works Thursdays and Saturdays, the first week of the month is dedicated to accounting tasks, please plan accordingly.
Name of Teacher Submitting Listing
Teacher e-mail
Teacher phone Number
Whether to publish e-mail only, phone only or e-mail and phone
Title of Class
Start Time/End Time (please leave 5 minutes before the hour for transition to next class)
Start Date/End Date
Date to End Registration (if not full)
Target Age
Age/Grade/Gender Restrictions (those outside the restriction will not be able to register)
Class Price (keeping in mind PLANT, Inc. will keep 10%) See Class Price Calculator
Will you allow payment plan? (you will receive monthly payments until one month after the end of the class)
class description
Minimum number of students to hold the class
Maximum number of students
Any discounts you will offer (for example 10% sibling discount for 2nd, 3rd sibling in same class or other class)
A picture for the class listing
Our Administrative Assistant works Thursdays and Saturdays, the first week of the month is dedicated to accounting tasks, please plan accordingly.
Name of Teacher Submitting Listing
Teacher e-mail
Teacher phone Number
Whether to publish e-mail only, phone only or e-mail and phone
Title of Class
Start Time/End Time (please leave 5 minutes before the hour for transition to next class)
Start Date/End Date
Date to End Registration (if not full)
Target Age
Age/Grade/Gender Restrictions (those outside the restriction will not be able to register)
Class Price (keeping in mind PLANT, Inc. will keep 10%) See Class Price Calculator
Will you allow payment plan? (you will receive monthly payments until one month after the end of the class)
class description
Minimum number of students to hold the class
Maximum number of students
Any discounts you will offer (for example 10% sibling discount for 2nd, 3rd sibling in same class or other class)
A picture for the class listing